Sunday, September 7, 2008

Time for a family blog?

We wondered about your feelings of starting a family blog!!! It might be a fun way to better keep in touch with each other and we would like your response. I can't believe we have gone from letter writing, to e-mailing, to blogging. I just got the hang of e-mailing and when Steve showed me how to set up this blogging, well--- consider that I am not much into how to use a computer, let alone setting anything up. But, I love the idea of connecting better as a family and this may be a fun way to do that if everyone will participate. As a family I don't think we did too well with letter writing, and not much better with e-mailing, or even phoning, so maybe blogging is the answer. Anyway, let us know how you feel about it and if you would like to be a part of it.
Today we celebrated Dad's 67th birthday. We usually have dinner on the Sunday closest to the actual birthday, but next Sunday Marilyn invited us over so today is the day. It was fun to get together with family and celebrate.
Mom has been involved with Humanitarian work and this next week we will give 16 baby quilts and 40 little girl's dresses that that have been made to the Humanitarian Center here.
Life is good---but it would be better if we can be closer as a family, so lets give this a chance.
Let us know your feelings.
Love Dad and Mom